Meet Bernie
Bernie’s first career was in accountancy, where he worked in public practice and industry. However, he decided to fulfil a lifetime’s ambition of being a police officer and changed his career when he joined the Metropolitan Police Service. He has enjoyed a very rewarding career in policing of nearly 30 years, including two years with Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service.
Bernie has performed many operational and strategic roles, from local policing to national assignments, and rose to the rank of Detective Superintendent. He has extensive experience within the areas of serious and organised crime, drugs, under-cover policing, counterterrorism, anti-corruption, fraud and financial crime, behavioural analysis, critical and major incident management.

Recent Policing Experience
I was seconded to HMPPS as a Crime Consultant in my last two years. I advised strategic leaders on Investigations, Intelligence and Risk Management. I developed and delivered workshops aimed at upskilling management in the delivery of Security Services and in combatting drugs within prisons. I was Agency Lead for County Lines (Drugs), developed the Agency Strategy in consultation with the Home Office and implemented the Agency response.
I was the national lead for Live Facial Recognition (LFR). I developed the concept with extensive consultation into a legal and viable tactical policing option for reducing crime and apprehending offenders. I built and managed key strategic partnerships and reported to ministerial bodies and MPS Management Board on delivery and risk. Many police forces adopted LFR as a key tactic in achieving policing objectives.
Read moreBernie's Specialist Background
Bernie is a Senior Investigating Officer and has a specialist background in intelligence, investigations, relationship management and risk management. He has also been commended many times for the quality of his professionalism, leadership and management capability. Reflecting on his police career, Bernie said:
I am extremely proud of having been a police officer and working with many exceptional officers and staff. It has been an honour to serve the communities of London and to help people. I achieved successes but experienced disappointments and challenges too. I also supported colleagues through difficult situations. Having retired from policing, my ambition now is to use my experience and learning to support people and organisations to develop their leadership and management.

Get in touch
Bernie is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership. He also holds qualifications in coaching and mentoring and project management and is a Fellow of the Institute of Accountants and Bookkeepers.
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